LMA Liverpool Students Pitch to Ripstone

Last month, members of the Ripstone team visited LMA Liverpool to give students feedback on their very own game pitches.

Simone McDermott (Lead Game Designer), Jake Parrott (3D Artist) and Alex King (Senior Community Manager) spent the day being pitched to by LMA Liverpool’s Digital Games Art Students.

The in-depth pitches covered almost everything; from core game loops to art direction and even post-launch marketing strategy!

The event represented a significant opportunity for LMA’s talented group of aspiring game artists to gain valuable feedback from industry professionals who have been in the room for real-world pitches.

Pitch Perfect: LMA Liverpool Digital Games Art Students

After a warm welcome from LMA staff, our Ripstone crew were shown to a small studio in which the students were invited one by one to present their games.  

For Robert, who pitched a unique idea for a Cyberpunk-themed resource management game,  it was a chance to peek behind the curtain and find out exactly what it is that professionals expect.

Robert explained, “it was fun getting the chance to pitch my ideas to industry practitioners, and the feedback I received gave me a much better insight into how things work in the industry.”

For other students, the aim was to use the pitch panel to strengthen their presentational skills and get a clearer idea of how they would perform under pressure.

Ellen, who pitched her own exciting approach to the ‘cozy’ game said, “it made me feel more confident performing in front of people who know about video game development, and it’s helped me better understand how to present myself in future professional encounters.”

Simone McDermott offering advice to an LMA Liverpool student.
Simone McDermott offering advice to an LMA Liverpool student.
Simone McDermott offering advice to an LMA Liverpool student.
Simone McDermott offering advice to an LMA Liverpool student.

Bridging the Gap Between Education & Employment

Recently, Ripstone team members have started to put emphasis on growing deeper relationships with educational institutions such as the LMA.

Our hope, with the help of incredible partners, is to bridge that gap between education and employment by giving young people the additional industry know-how necessary to land that first role.

On Ripstone’s latest visit to the institution, Alex Winrow, FE & HE Tutor for Digital Games Art, said: “It’s always exciting seeing our students getting the opportunity to shake hands and share their ideas with the Ripstone gang. We’ve found it’s a great way to get them thinking about what waits for them after graduation, and a chance to start making connections.”

Thanks again for having us, LMA. We’re already looking forward to checking in on the class later in the year to see their games come to fruition!

Who Are LMA Liverpool?

LMA is an innovative educational establishment established in Liverpool in 2009 that provides courses in creative fields, including Acting, Music, Digital Film & TV Production, and Digital Games Art, at both BTEC and BA (Hons) levels.

Since its inception, the specialized institution has consistently grown and expanded, and in 2019, it inaugurated a second campus at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London.

Additionally, LMA Liverpool continues to offer outstanding BA (Hons) courses in Digital Games Art at their newly constructed, advanced campus in the heart of the city.

Intrigued? Read all about LMA’s Digital Games Art course and more,  here.